Adalah salah satu metode konstruksi yg dipilih karena suatu alasan tertentu, misalnya : sedemikian berat dan mahalnya biaya perancah maka dipilih metode heavy lifting ini.
dalam kasus ini dicontohkan proyek Garuda Maintenance Facility ( Fasilitas Perawatan Pesawat milik Garuda Indonesia). dengan bentang antar kolom yang sedemikian besar dan tinggi bangunan sedemikian tinggi maka diperlukan konstruksi atap yang berat. untuk melaksanakan bangunan ini ada beberapa pilihan metode. salah satunya mungkin dengan merakit truss menjadi beberapa elemen dan diangkat dan didudukkan dalam beberapa perancah dan dirangkaikan satu per satu. namun cara ini memerlukan crane dengan kapasitas yang extra besar atau potongan elemen trussnya dibuat kecil.
cara kedua adalah membuat platform setinggi atap dan semua dirangkai disana.
cara ketiga adalah heavy lifting ini, semua truss dirangkai dibawah, diatas lantai yang kemudian diangkat secara serentak perlahan sampai pada kedudukan yang seharusnya.
VSL Heavy Lifting (English)
Is one well-chosen methods of construction for any reason, for example: in such a heavy and expensive cost of scaffolding, the heavy-lifting method was chosen.
in this case the project exemplified the Garuda Maintenance Facility (Aircraft Maintenance Facilities owned Garuda Indonesia). The span between columns that are so large and tall buildings so high it needs a heavy roof construction. to implement this building there are several methods of choice. one of them by assembling truss may be some elements and was elected and seated in some scaffolding and bundled, one by one. but this method requires a crane with a capacity of extra large or small pieces made trussnya elements.
The second way is to make the platform as high as the roof and all assembled there.
The third way is this heavy lifting, all assembled under the truss, which was then lifted above the floor simultaneously slowly until the position should
Is one well-chosen methods of construction for any reason, for example: in such a heavy and expensive cost of scaffolding, the heavy-lifting method was chosen.
in this case the project exemplified the Garuda Maintenance Facility (Aircraft Maintenance Facilities owned Garuda Indonesia). The span between columns that are so large and tall buildings so high it needs a heavy roof construction. to implement this building there are several methods of choice. one of them by assembling truss may be some elements and was elected and seated in some scaffolding and bundled, one by one. but this method requires a crane with a capacity of extra large or small pieces made trussnya elements.
The second way is to make the platform as high as the roof and all assembled there.
The third way is this heavy lifting, all assembled under the truss, which was then lifted above the floor simultaneously slowly until the position should
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